José Luís D’Almeida – completed his Doctorate in Social Work at the University of Porto in 2007. He is an Assistant Professor and full researcher at CETRAD at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. He is Director of the Masters Degree in Social Work at the same University. He has published 7 articles in specialized journals and 12 papers in event proceedings, has 8 book chapters and 5 books published. He has 1 registered product and 72 other items of technical production. He has participated in 8 events in Portugal. She has oriented 23 Master’s dissertations, in addition to having oriented 46 graduation final papers in the area of Social Service. Received 1 award and/or tribute. Between 2009 and 2017 she participated in 5 research projects, coordinating 4 of them. Currently she participates in 2 research projects, coordinating 1 of them. She works in the scientific area of Social Service.
In her professional activities she has interacted with 21 collaborators in co-authoring scientific papers.

Main Publications:

Sousa, P., Caria, T., & D`Almeida, J. L. (2020). Consciência identitária dos propósitos e meios do Serviço Social: resultados de um estudo empírico dos assistentes sociais. Cuadernos De Trabajo Social, 33(2), 297-312.

D`Almeida, J.L; Sousa, P.; Caria, T. (2021) Competências no Contexto de Trabalho em Serviço Social. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.

Sousa, Paula; D`Almeida, José L;. (2020). Avaliação Diagnóstica na Prática do Serviço Social. Viseu. Psicosoma. (ed. 2ª). Viseu: Psicosoma.


Main Projects:

(2023-2025) The Use of Theory in Social Work Practice. Coordination José Luis D’Almeida.

PRODUCTS: Questionnaire to be applied to interlocutors. Team Telmo Caria, Paula Sousa, Daniela Monteiro, Ariana Meireles.