XXVI Luso-Spanish Seminar on Business Economics

In 2009, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, through the Department of Economics, Sociology and Management (DESG) and the Center for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD), joined the Iberian Business Economics Circle (CIBECEM). CIBECEM was legally created in 2005 and includes the eight Iberian border universities that organize the Luso-Spanish Seminar on Business Economics (SLEEE): the University of the Algarve, the University of Évora, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, the University of Beira Interior, the University of Vigo, the University of Salamanca, the University of Huelva and the University of Extremadura.

Over these 26 years, CIBECEM has promoted the meeting of academics and professionals in the fields of management and business economics from both countries, in order to consolidate inter-university and economic-business relations in the cross-border territories. In 2024, UTAD will organize the XXVI Luso-Spanish Seminar on Business Economics, taking into account the context that the pandemic and wars have exposed, exacerbating the vulnerabilities of the globalized and interconnected world. These events have had a direct impact on supply chains and have tested the response capacity of organizations, territories and countries to the limit. The importance of leveraging the power of territories to boost innovation and entrepreneurship is being amplified by the socio-ecological and digital transitions and various challenges of the 21st century, such as climate change, financial crises, growing inequality, migration, the transition of food and energy systems. This multifaceted crisis increases the need for in-depth reflection on the practices, skills and policies of organizations and innovation ecosystems in low-density territories.

In the wake of the economic, societal, digital and environmental challenges facing organizations and territories, we are challenging you to discuss:

Accounting and Finance Circular Economy
Business, SDG and ESG Strategy and Competitiveness
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Artificial Intelligence
Marketing/Digital Marketing Migratory Movements – Socio-Economic and Business Impacts
Tourism and Sustainability Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
Networks and Cooperation Digital and Socio-Ecological Transitions
Practices and Didactics in Management Teaching

More information at: https://sleee24.utad.pt/