Project Coordinator:


Project Typology:

NORTE 2020

Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

Lívia Maria Costa Madureira

CETRAD Researchers in the team:

Carlos Jorge Fonseca da Costa, Lina Sofia de Matos Lourenço Gomes, Luís Filipe Gomes Lopes, Mário Sérgio Carvalho Teixeira, Susana Isabel Almeida Campos, Tiago
Emanuel de Oliveira Mucha




100 002€

Starting Date:



36 months


INTERACT – Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology is a project developed by UTAD and aims to know the opportunities and productive potential based on the local economy, particularly in the field of agro-food resources based on animal production (meat and milk), vegetables, fruits, olives, nuts, wine, forest and native flora, and medicinal plants. The aim is to increase production, and the quality of products (adding commercial value) arising from the main crops in the northern region, which requires the development of specific technology and to obtain additional value from the waste and effluents resulting from these production chains, thus exploring their valorisation, preserving sustainability and biodiversity.
Funded by the Support System for Scientific and Technological Research and ERDF funds, it has a duration of three years, an eligible investment of over four million euros, involves around 70 UTAD researchers and will provide around 40 scientific job offers.
The global proposal of INTERACT integrates three research lines: Innovation for Sustainable Agrifood Chains (ISAC), in articulation with the lines: Bioeconomy and Sustainability (BEST) and Sustainable Viticulture and Wine Production (VitalyWine). These lines are closely linked with the CITAB research groups, namely Eco integrity, Biosystems Engineering and Sustainable Agri-Food Chains, which are joined by other specialists in the areas of socio-economics, chemistry, ecology, geology, molecular biology or veterinary sciences, thus involving various researchers from other UTAD centres, namely the Chemistry Centre, CETRAD or CECAV.

See more information at:


CITAB – Centro de Investigação e Tecnologias Agroambientais e Biológicas
UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro