Research Group:
Susana MSR Fonseca. PhD in Management in 2014/06/29 by the University of Trรกs-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Master in Economics of Organizations in 2008/06/30 by the University of Trรกs-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Degree in Management in 1996/06/30 by the Business and Economics School.
She is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu School of Technology and Management of Lamego, Chairman of the Pedagogical Council between October 2017 and October 2019 at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu School of Technology and Management of Lamego, Member of the Scientific-Technical Council since July 2017 and Vice-Coordinator Master Degree in Management of Social Organizations at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu School of Technology and Management of Lamego.
She has published 9 articles in specialized journals. Has 4 book chapter(s). She has organised 3 events. Has participated in 20 events. She has supervised several Master’s thesis(s) and several graduation/undergraduate course conclusion works. She works in the area(s) of Social Sciences with emphasis in Economics and Management with emphasis in Business Organization and Management. In her professional activities she has interacted with 9 collaborator(s) in co-authorship of scientific papers.
In her curriculum Vitae Science the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Organizational learning; Market orientation; Organizational performance; Organizational innovation; Market orientation, Learning organizations, Innova; Domain/Scientific Area::Social Sciences; Market orientation, Organizational learning; Misericรณrdias; Innovation; Performance; Nonprofit organizations; Market orientation,; Learning organizations; Innovation; Performance; Nonprofit organizations; Cultural economy; Museum demand; Cultural heritage; Travel cost method; 005. 33(043); 364-3A/Z(043); Cultural economy; Cultural heritage; Travel cost method; Museum demand; Governance; Organizations; Third sector; Palliative care; End-of-life costs; Health management; Continuing care; Long term care and Maintenance; Social organization; Direction; Vulnerability; Strategic planning;