Research Group:
Sara Simões is a PhD candidate in Development, Societies, and Territories. She specializes in Agronomic Sciences at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. She holds a master’s degree in Agrarian Economics and Rural Sociology, a postgraduate degree in Organic Farming, and a degree in Agronomic Engineering. She is a guest lecturer at the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. She participates in research projects related to the revitalization of rural territories, sustainability, participatory processes in rural development, social innovation, and community property, with technical and scientific publications.
Main Publications:
Nogueira, J.; Araújo, J.P.; Alonso, J.M.; Simões, S. (2023) “Common lands, landscape management and rural development: a case study in a mountain village in Northwest Portugal”. Acta Geographica Slovenica. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS.11081
Ferreira Oliveira, A.T.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Rodrigues, P.; Amorim, M.; Gonçalves, T.; Fonseca, M.; Barros, M.; Calvinho, S.; Simões, S.; Silva, P.; Patrocínio, F. Carones, C. & Rodrigues, S. (2022). Implementation and development of IPVC’s equality plan in association with its management system. Sampaio P.; Domingues P.; Costa A.; Casadesus M.; Marimon F.; Pires A.R.; Saraiva P. Proceedings book of the 5th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management, 872 880. Disponível em: http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85137013081&origin=inward
Nogueira, J.; Simões, S.; (2020) “Os desafios da revitalização de aldeias de montanha e da gestão sustentável de agroecossistemas multifuncionais na Montanha do Alto Minho (Portugal)”. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology and Sustainability 1 2 (2020): 95 114. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52719/bjas.v2i2.3805
Nogueira, J., Simões, S., Araújo, J.P., Santos, J.C., Santos, A., 2021. Montanhas Vivas Comunidades Resilientes. 45.pp. Edição ARDAL. ISBN: 978-989-54213-7-4.
Oliveira, A. T.; Rodrigues, A. S.; Rodrigues, P.; Amorim, M.; Patrocinio, F.; Carones, C.; Gonçalves, T.; Barros, M.; Rodrigues, S.; Fonseca, M.; Calvinho, S.; Simões S.; Barros, M.; Silva, P.; “Implementation and development of IPVC’s equality plan in association with its management system” proceedings Book, n 5th International Conference on quality Engineering and Management, july 14-15, 2022, Univerity of Minho, Braga. Disponível em: http://icqem.dps.uminho.pt/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/proceedings_ICQEM2022_v2.pdf
Main Projects:
BEM COMUM – Innovation and co-operation in the management of common lands, to boost the bioeconomy, sustainability and resilience of rural communities and agro-sylvo-pastoralism, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, 17/ C05–i03/2022 – PRR-C05-i03-I-000241, 2023-2025, Researcher, https://www.bemcomum.altominho.pt/pt/
Acontece in Loco: Campo do Gerês; COMMUNITY ANIMATION AND COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN TERRITORIES IN MINHO – Minho Inovação PA3. Aldeias de Portugal / Minho – CIM Cávado. 2022, Researcher, https://www.cimcavado.pt/acontece-in-loco/
FORVALUE: Innovative management for the valorisation and resilience of forest areas – Project 0577 Interreg V-A Spain – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020, Axle 3: Sustainable growth through cross-border cooperation for risk prevention and improved management of natural resources. 2020-2021, Reasearher. https://forvalue.eu/pt-pt/projeto-forvalue/
Acontece in Loco – Mountains of Alto Minho – ARDAL. 2018-2021, Researcher. https://inovacao.rederural.gov.pt/projetos/projetos-rrn/37-projetos-rrn/1130-acontece-in-loco-montanha-do-alto-minho