Research Group:
Natália Pacheco is Professora Coordenadora and Director of the Master’s in Marketing at IPAM Lisbon. She teaches and researches in the areas of consumer behaviour and services marketing. Specifically, her research focuses on consumer reactions to service failures, service recovery, co-production, artificial intelligence and other topics. She has published in indexed journals (SCOPUS/Web of Science), such as the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Strategic Marketing, among others. Doctor of Applied Economic Sciences (Ghent University, Belgium) and PhD in Management (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).
Main Publications:
1) Pacheco, N. A., Geuens, M., & Pizzutti, C. (2018). Whom do customers blame for a service failure? Effects of thought speed on causal locus attribution. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 60-65.
2) Pacheco, N. A., Becker, L. C. B., & Brei, V. A. (2017). A light in the dark: The benefits of co-production in service failures. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 95- 101.
3) Martinez, L. M., Pacheco, N., Ramos, F. R., & Bicho, M. (2023). Would you try it again? Dual effects of customer mindfulness on service recovery. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 74, 103438.
4) Pacheco, N. A., Pizzutti, C., Basso, K., & Van Vaerenbergh, Y. (2018). Trust recovery tactics after double deviation: better sooner than later?. Journal of Service Management, 30(1), 2-22.
5) Wagner, R. L., & Pacheco, N. A. (2020). Name-your-own-price as participative pricing strategy: a review of the literature from 2001–2017. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(7), 583-600.
Main Projects:
- Current: Artificial Intelligence and healthcare: How to increase the acceptability of AI health treatments. With: Rafael Wagner (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Diego Costa Pinto (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Márcia Maurer Herter (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Former: Consumer Reactions to Service Failures.