She holds a degree in Economics from the Federal University of Pará (1996), a master’s degree in Economics from the University of the Amazon (2002) and is a PhD student in the Development, Societies and Territories Program (DEST) at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD). She is currently an assistant professor at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. He has experience in the area of Economics, with emphasis on Elaboration and Evaluation of Rural and Non-Rural Projects, Elaboration of Social and Entrepreneurial Projects and Economic-Financial Administration and Accounting.

Main Publications: 

Nascimento, M. de N. C. F., Marques, C. S. da E., & Rego, M. da C. P. (2023). Microcredit and female entrepreneurship: experiences in different socio-territorial contexts. Management and Secretariat Journal , 14(7), 11457–11482.

Araújo, A. R. da R., Nascimento, M. de N. C. F., Vale, S. E. de J. M. do, & Junior, V. C. S. (2022). Effectiveness of environmental education as a tool for behavioral change in Vila do Conde, Barcarena/PA. Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research5(2), 1747–1761.

Nascimento, M. de N. C. F., Filgueiras, G. C.; Carvalho, A. C.; Santos, C. S.; Silva, R. N. & Filgueiras, L. A. (2022). National Plan for Agrarian Reforma: Experiences of Local Governance in Settlements in the Amazon Biome. In: Geographic and Cartographic Studies in the Amazon. Vol. I, 1ª ed., Belém, GAFTA/UFPA, ISBN: 9786587842097