PhD student in Agribusiness and Sustainability, promoted by the consortium of UTAD with UÉvora.

The PhD project proposes to compare the conventional and biological methods of production of wine grapes regarding their respective carbon footprint balances, costs and motivations.

He is interested in the Viticulture, Oliviculture and Soybean sectors.

Main Publications:

Martins, J.; Marta-Costa, A.; Lucas, M.R.; Santos, M. Sustainability in Mountain Viticulture: Insights from a Case Study in the Portuguese Douro Region. Sustainability. 2024, 16, 2050.

Martins, J.; Marta-Costa, A.; Lucas, M.R.; Santos, M. Economic and Environmental balance in viticulture: a case study in Douro. In Book of Proceedings of the VII Internacional Congress, Mountain and Steep Sloves Viticulture, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, 12-14 May 2022.

Brito, T.; Fragoso, R; Santos, L., Martins, J.A., Silva, A.A.F., Aranha, J. Life Cyce Assessment for Soybean Supply Chain: A case Study of State of Pará, Brazil. Agronomy, 2023, 13,1648. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy13061648