Research Group:
Teacher and researcher at the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD,) since 1983, mainly in the fields of Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, and Econometrics: Full Professor between 2002 and 2023. Habilitation (2000), in Economics (Microeconomic Theory and Quantitative Methods), Ph.D. in Economics (1993), Bachelor in Economics (1980). Research´s integrated member at CETRAD. Since January 2020 he has been vice-president of the board of the European Association of Wine Economics. Their main research fields are Productive Efficiency, Productivity, Consumer and Producer Behavior, and Wine and Tourism Economics.
Main Publications (last three years) :
Guedes, A., Niklas, B., Back, R.M., Rebelo, J. (2023). Implications of an exogenous shock (COVID-19) on wine tourism business: A Portuguese winery perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23(1): 113–120. https://doi.org/10.1177/14673584221085214.
Britta Niklas, Jean‐Marie Cardebat, Robin M. Back, Davide Gaeta, Vicente Pinilla, ,João Rebelo, Roberto Jara‐Rojas, and Guenter Schamel (2022). Wine industry perceptions and reactions to the COVID-19 crisis in the Old and New Worlds: Do business models make a difference? Agribusiness, 38(4):. 810–831. doi: 10.1002/agr.21748.
Niklas, B., Guedes, A., Back, R.M., Rebelo, J., Laurie, V.F. (2022). How resilient are wine tourism destinations to health-related security threats? A winery perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 24: 100707. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2022.100707.
Compés, R., Faria, S., Gonçalves, T., Rebelo, J., Pinilla, V. and Simon Elorz, K. (2022), The shock of lockdown on the spending on wine in the Iberian market: the effects of procurement and consumption patterns, British Food Journal, Vol. 124 (5): 1622-1640. https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-03-2021-0258
Magalie Dubois, Lara Agnoli, Jean-Marie Cardebat , Raúl Compés , Benoit Faye , Bernd Frick , Davide Gaeta , Eric Giraud-Héraud, Eric Le Fur, Florine Livat, Giulio Malorgio Philippe Masset, Giulia Meloni , Vicente Pinilla, João Rebelo , Luca Rossetto, Günter Schamel and Katrin Simon-Elorz (2021). Did Wine Consumption Change During the COVID-19 Lockdown in France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal? Journal of Wine Economics, 16 (2): 131-168. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jwe.2021.19
Main Projects:
Wine, Innovation and International Competitiveness – VINCI – INTERREG SUDOE – Portuguese coordinator (2019-2023).
Wine Consumption in Europe – Before and During the Lockdown – Portugal. Included in a study by the European Association of Wine Economists. Portuguese coordinator (2020-2021)
Vine and Wine Platform, Innovine & Wine – Line Competitiveness – Coordinator (2016-2020).
Rumo Estratégico para Sector dos Vinhos do Porto e Douro (2017-2018). Scientific Coordinator (2017-2018)