Research Group:
PhD in Social Work from ISCTE-IUL (with distinction); PhD in Sociology from the University of Salamanca (with Distinction and award); Advanced studies diploma in Sociology; Master’s in Rural Development; Bachelor in Social Work.
Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Director of the Degree in Social Work; Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences; Researcher at the Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development; having already held several positions at UTAD and external to UTAD, including Director of the Master’s in Social Work; Vice-President of the Pedagogical Council of the School of Human and Social Sciences; Member of the Pedagogical Council of the School of Human and Social Sciences; Coordinator of the European Anti-Poverty Network EAPN-Núcleo de Vila Real; Coordinator of the Vila Real Children and Youth Protection Commission; Social Judge for the area of minors in the district of Vila Real; Director of the Social Protection and Citizenship Unit (District Center for Social Security of Vila Real); and, Coordinator of the Leader Program (Link between rural development actions) at the Douro Hisdtórico Association.
With many publications and works in the area of Social Sciences, Sociology and Social Work. Issues such as changes in social policies; municipal decentralization, institutional and professional reconfigurations; multilevel governance; State relations and interactions with the third sector; aging, poverty, inequalities; participation; sustainable development, sustainable communities; local and community Social Work, theory and methodology in Social Work. With participation in several national and international research projects.
Main Publications:
Gonçalves, H. Welfare-Partnership Dynamics and Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2022, 14, 7819. https:// doi.org/10.3390/su14137819, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/13/7819
Oliveira, ; Gonçalves, H. (org.) O Compromisso Democrático com a Participação Cívica em Tempos de Emergência e Reconstrução de um Novo Normal. 2021, EAPN: Portugal. ISSN 978-989-8304-72-8, https://eapn.pt/17out/projects/
Paulino, K. ; Gonçalves, H.; Sequeira, T. Economia Solidária como Estratégia de Combate à Pobreza no Brasil: Emancipação ou Precarização? International Journal of Development Research 2021, 11,6, 47542- 47547. https://doi. org/10.37118/ijdr.22059.06.2021, https://www.journalijdr.com/sites/default/files/issue-pdf/22059_0.pdf
Santos, K.; Gonçalves, H.; Sequeira, T.; Diniz, F. Development and Solidarity Economy Strategies in Brasil: case studies. Regional Science Inquiry 2019, Special Issue, 10, 2, 153-165, https://www.rsijournal.eu/ARTICLES/June_2019/SI/RSI_June_2019_XI_(2).pdf
Gonçalves, H. Trabajo Social y Mediación Comunitaria: Perspectivas Contemporáneas. Anuario de mediación y solución de conflictos (Número 2019-2020), 91-107, ISBN 2340-9681, https://node1.123dok.com/dt05pdf/123dok_br/original/2021/01_11/oummgq1610354348.pdf?X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=7PKKQ3DUV8RG19BL%2F20220712%2F%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220712T160316Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-Signature=096e89cb675e81468340c20a578603b67437be67b7d9518ad2797dbd52ce21a5
Paulino, K. ; Gonçalves, H.; Sequeira, T. Política de Fomento à Economia Solidária: Avanços e Desafios no Brasil do séc. XXI. International Journal of Development Research 2021, 11, 4, 46338-46342, https://doi.org/10.37118/ijdr.21558.04.2021, https://www.journalijdr.com/pol%C3%ADtica-de-fomento-%C3%A0-economia-solid%C3%A1ria-avan%C3%A7os-e-desafios-no-brasil-do-s%C3%A9c-xxi
Main Projects:
LEARNVIL project (education for rural transformation)
PIMA Project (Sustainable Development Model for the Baixo Sabor Region – national perspective)
SYMBIOS project, Demographic Crisis, Habitable Territories and Inclusion (Transnational perspective that involved several entities / Universities in Europe)
INSERTION OF RISK COLLECTIVES project (Transnational perspective that involved several entities in Europe)
ASAS project ( Aldeias Ativas e Sustentáveis)