Full Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) and head of the Management Discipline Group. He was Vice-Rector of UTAD (responsible for the administrative and financial area); Associate Professor with Aggregation at UTAD, from April 2005 to February 2012. Associate Professor at UTAD from November 2001 to March 2005. Assistant Professor at UTAD, from March 2000 to November 2001. Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho (UM), from November 1998 to March 2000. Assistant Professor at UM, from October 1995 to November 1998. Trainee Assistant Professor at UM, from October 1992 to October 1995. In both public institutions, his scientific-pedagogical activity was centred on the areas of Business Sciences, in which he coordinated and has coordinated several study cycles and postgraduate courses, as well as supervising several Master’s dissertations and PhD theses. He obtained his Aggregate Degree in n/a in 2005/04/01 from the University of Beira Interior, a PhD in Business Sciences/Finance in 1998 from the University of Minho, a Master’s Degree in Business Management in 1995 from the University of Minho and a Degree in International Relations: Economic and Political Branch in 1992 from the University of Minho. He has published 32 articles in specialised journals. He has 2 book chapters and 1 book. Participated in 96 events. Supervised 19 doctoral thesis(es) and co-supervised 1. Supervised 49 master’s dissertation(s) and co-supervised 26. Supervised 18 bachelor’s degree final papers and co-supervised 1. Received 3 awards and/or honours. In addition, he has been a member of the Expert Committees of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), for the assessment of applications for doctoral scholarships; External Assessment Committees for the area of Management, Administration and Marketing of the National Council for the Assessment of Higher Education of the Foundation of Portuguese Universities (CNAVES-FUP); Expert Committees of the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) for the assessment of proposals for new courses; and he has been a member of various External Assessment Committees of the Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES). In his Ciência Vitae CV, the most frequent terms used to contextualise his scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Financial Markets; Performance evaluation; General Management; (Assessment of) Quality of Higher Education.

Main Publications:

Martins, F. A., Ferreira-da-Silva, A. C., & Machado-Santos, C. (2015). Relevância e influência dos Stakeholders dos Hospitais Filantrópicos e Religiosos. E3-Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores Na CPLP, 1(1), 5–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.29073/e3.v1i1.10

Martins, F. A., Ferreira-da-Silva, A., & Machado-Santos, C. (2014). Gestão dos stakeholders na captação de recursos nos hospitais filantrópicos e religiosos. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 18, 65–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac20141527
Silva, A. P., & Santos, C. M. (2012). Financial and strategic factors associated with the profitability and growth of SME in Portugal. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(3), 46–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v4n3p46