CETRAD researcher Lívia Madureira participated in the kick-off meeting on Agroecology DemeterWatch Working Group, held in July 12-13th, organised by the RI (research infrastructure) LifeWatch ERIC ICT-CORE Premises in Seville, Spain. DemeterWatch, cementing Agroecology as one of the infrastructure’s key activities run through many projects including AgroServ (Integrated SERVices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition, funded under the HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01), and resulting into the establishment of a core group and a roadmap to coordinate activities in this domain. The researcher integrates this core group of experts that will focus on supporting researchers in boosting the transitions toward sustainable Agroecology. The kick-off counted with the participation of 20 experts from 5 European countries, and aimed at paving the ground to define a Workable Roadmap.
Read more in https://www.lifewatch.eu/2022/07/13/all-hands-on-deck-to-define-the-lifewatch-eric-roadmap/